Monday, May 11, 2020

6th Gear Owner Not Sure Business Will Last Long Amid Shutdown (GUESST VI...

The guest contributor had this to say about the video: 

"He has a restaurant and bar in Beaver Dam called 6th Gear LLC. They were open for breakfast. Then, there was a ride to the governor's mansion followed by the owner giving a speech at the capitol. Then, everyone went back to the restaurant for food and drinks. Even with the shutdown ending, he doesn't know if his business will last that long. I'm guessing that Evers will not lift everything all at once, so who knows what restrictions we will have and for how long."

Saturday, May 9, 2020

"Gov Evers Kicked The Hornets

People like this are way cooler to talk to than people in the big city, I'll tell ya that!

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